Webinar for Parents: Self-Advocacy Starts Young
Self-Advocacy is the ability to make one’s own decisions and learn how to speak up for oneself. Unfortunately, students who are Deaf or hard of hearing often don’t learn self-advocacy skills because too many decisions are made for them. The Described and Captioned Media Program has videos for all ages that foster self-advocacy and being fully accessible, they promote independent learning opportunities.
ASL Stories Directory
We’ve made it easy for you to find hundreds of free videos of ASL retellings of your child’s favorite books. Search for stories by your child’s age or by the book’s title.
Practice ASL online!
Sign with a Deaf adult in real time and choose your conversation topics. Or your child can join “Friends Like Me” and chat with other deaf and hard of hearing children their age once a week. ASDC members get 5 FREE sessions (a $125 value). Not a member yet? Join ASDC.