In this adults-only workshop, learn ways to help children build stronger relationships and be safer from harm! We will practice ways to:
- Teach safety skills using fun, not fear
- Strengthen kids’ peer/friendship skills
- Protect kids from abuse and bullying
- Adapt safety skills for kids’ abilities
This workshop is open to parents, educators, and others teaching and caring for children who are Deaf or hard of hearing.
Kidpower: Focusing on possibilities
At Kidpower, we explore and build on what people CAN do – rather than focusing on what they cannot do. It is too easy to assume that a person is helpless as a result of something they may not be able to do.
Sometimes, people might already have a belief that they are helpless – and then act in ways that make them seem less capable than they truly are.
Sometimes, those who know them the best will underestimate their ability to understand and to learn – and are even surprised that their students can say “No” or “Stop” or “Help” appropriately.
We are particularly careful to avoid making assumptions based on our students’ behavior or appearance when we start. We begin working with what our show that they are able to do.
Then, we build from there, adapting to make a skill work for a student rather than trying to force a student to fit a skill. At all times, we look for possibilities and growth rather than focusing on limitations.