Thank you to ASDC’s May 2022 Donors!
Individual Donors
Anonymous (2)
Cindy Flynn
Edgar and Lynda Layland
Bradley Magala
Karen P
Geri Rios
Patricia Terwilliger
Dedicated Donors
Edith Ivey | Linda Jones
In memory of Alice Jones Demkowski
Ed, Joani, Kane & Konnor O’Neill | Bridget & Bernie O’Neill
In memory of Fran Haavisto
Rob Rosella
In memory of Flor Hernandez
Anonymous | Cathie Black & George Muschler | Charles Apple | Jacqueline A Combs Nelson |
Barbara Shelton | Stephan Benzkofer | David & Kerstin Beitzel | Jane Born |
Charmaine & Greg Hilbok | Linda & Porter McLean | Diane Rae
In memory of Marilyn Majeri
Francis Parker School
In memory of Julien Skrzupek
Nayeli Torres | Maribel Ramier-Medina | Katherine Rivera | Dennison Seelinger |
Silvia Salcedo | Varan Garro | Allison Azevedo | Jeff Varner | Anonymous (2) | Parkside Elementary | Mateo Rubio | Matt Taylor | Monisa Torres | Gregory Carmon | Claudia |
Kelsey Gromacki | Mima & Papa Casados | Susi Farmer
In honor of Nayeli Torres
Nancy & Roy Wells
In memory of Michael S. Wisneiwski
Organizational Donors
American Sign Language Club @ Triangle Math & Science Academy
ASL for ALL Club at the Medical University of South Carolina
Battelle Always Giving Program
Follow Pop Shop
Professional Financing, Inc