Thank you to ASDC’s May 2022 Donors!

Your support and contributions help us connect families through American Sign Language.

Individual Donors

Anonymous (2)

Cindy Flynn

Edgar and Lynda Layland

Bradley Magala

Karen P

Geri Rios

Patricia Terwilliger

Dedicated Donors

Edith Ivey | Linda Jones
In memory of Alice Jones Demkowski

Ed, Joani, Kane & Konnor O’Neill | Bridget & Bernie O’Neill
In memory of Fran Haavisto

Rob Rosella
In memory of Flor Hernandez

Anonymous | Cathie Black & George Muschler | Charles Apple | Jacqueline A Combs Nelson | 
Barbara Shelton  | Stephan Benzkofer | David & Kerstin Beitzel | Jane Born | 
Charmaine & Greg Hilbok | Linda & Porter McLean | Diane Rae
In memory of Marilyn Majeri

Francis Parker School
In memory of Julien Skrzupek

Nayeli Torres | Maribel Ramier-Medina | Katherine Rivera | Dennison Seelinger | 
Silvia Salcedo | Varan Garro | Allison Azevedo | Jeff Varner | Anonymous (2) | Parkside Elementary | Mateo Rubio | Matt Taylor | Monisa Torres | Gregory Carmon | Claudia | 
Kelsey Gromacki | Mima & Papa Casados | Susi Farmer
In honor of Nayeli Torres

Nancy & Roy Wells
In memory of Michael S. Wisneiwski

Organizational Donors

American Sign Language Club @ Triangle Math & Science Academy

ASL for ALL Club at the Medical University of South Carolina

Battelle Always Giving Program 

Follow Pop Shop

Professional Financing, Inc


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