This week, we spotlight a Deaf Small Business, Artfully Artistic !
Czaza is the owner and she shares her talent that is for sale.
“Hello, everyone. My name is Czaza. I own a small business called Artfully Artistic. What do we do? We create handmade framed 3D “I love you” art, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, more jewelry, along with other products. Curious? You can check them out here. The “ILY” handshape is so important to cherish. It reminds you to feel loved, empowered, positive, and it brings back special memories that mean so much to you. Come support Deaf Businesses!”
Visit Czaza at
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[Video Description: splash page of ASDC logo of 5 multicolored hands in “ILY” hand shape with “American Society for Deaf Children” arched over the top. Outline of the two-hand sign “spotlight” with a “light” across the graphic. Deaf Business Spotlight. Artfully Artistic. Czaza is She/her/hers. She has long dark hair, tan skin, and wears warm grey tee & jean with “I love you” in ASL handshape earrings. In the background, the wall is warm grey. The video ends with ASDC logo and contact details for Czaza’s work.]
ASDC logo of 5 multicolored hands in “ILY” hand shape with “American Society for Deaf Children” arched over the top. Want to be featured? Please email us!]