In just a few short hours, registration for our 2023 Annual Family Conference at the Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg, VA, closes for good.

As we head into our final days of prep and execution and travel to Virginia, we are more excited about this year’s conference than ever and can’t wait to share what we have planned for your family!

The most powerful tool you’ll ever give your Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, and Hearing child is a good command of language. Language is critical for clear, effective communication and successful interactions.

Language development does more than help kids chatter non-stop; it also helps them understand and cope with emotions. It helps forge important attachment bonds with family and caregivers. The ability to analyze ideas, even basic ones, such as hot versus cold, depends on language development. This becomes a building block for critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making.

Through language, children make sense of experiences and the world around them. In fact, language is the foundation for most learning—whether it is factual knowledge, social skills, moral development, or physical achievement. Like all achievements, great and small, a child’s language competence path begins with a responsive family.  It starts on day one.

It starts with you.

Don’t miss this LAST CHANCE to take yourself and your family to Virginia for an experience of a lifetime.

Registration officially closes at midnight.  Don’t miss out!

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