Celebrate the Day. Pass on the Love. Join Frankie’s 50th Birthday Challenge.

Join us in celebrating Frankie Correa’s 50th birthday! Frankie’s turning 50! In true Frankie style – he has chosen to give to others instead of receiving for himself. Help us show Frankie some big birthday love by making a donation in his honor to an organization near and dear to his heart: The American Society for Deaf Children.

He has chosen this organization because they work tirelessly to support families like ours—families navigating the complexities of raising children with hearing loss. That’s just how big his heart is. That’s how big he loves his family, especially his grandson, Saint, in wanting him to have a world that’s language-diverse and accessible.

Join us in celebrating Frankie’s 50th – make a birthday donation to ASDC.

Interested in hosting your own Birthday Challenge for yourself or someone you love? Reach out to Cheri and learn more about how ASDC can celebrate with you!

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