Recently, students in David Theune’s English class at Spring Lake High School in Michigan recently completed a writing assignment and challenge titled “Words Have Power”. In this assignment they were asked to focus on writing about non-profit organizations and the important work they do.
Mr. Theune described the assignment as a “phenomenal learning experience.” Adding that teenagers do care and see the important work done by organizations such as ASDC. They were excited to share their essay’s with several organizations, including ASDC.
As part of the assignment, students were challenged to raise money for their respective non-profits. ASDC is proud to be the winning recipient of this challenge, and gratefully acknowledge the essay written by Eva K. about our mission.
Thank you Mr. Theune for an outstanding assignment in helping your students become more aware of the important work being done in the community.
Our heartfelt thanks to Eva for her thoughtful and insightful essay, and donation.
Read the essay here >>