Because of you, we’re making an impact.

Your contributions, whether as individuals, families, or organizations, play a pivotal role in our mission to create a language-accessible world for EVERY child. The power of your generosity knows no bounds, and it’s transforming countless young lives.

Thank you to the following donors for their contributions from July to October 2023:

Individual Donors

Anonymous (11)

Alice Blackburn and the Blackburn Family

Vera & Michael Bikowski

Justin Klein-Edgerton

Melody Jaros

Bradley Magala

Gary Norah

Steven R. Prader

Kristin Shoemaker

Marcy Stoots

Organizational Donors

Associated Builders Inc


Charities Aid Foundation America

Cruisin for Charities

Quinn Parker | Encolor LLC

Give Lively Foundation

Heard in Silence: A Short Story Collection

Pledgeling Foundation

In Memory/Honor of

Frankie’s 50th Birthday
Anonymous (1), Martha and Luis, Rene Espinoza, Joel Berrum, Anabel Magnan

In Honor of Rini Greenfield
Joan Hornig

In Honor of Jacob Horowitz
Maimonides School Classmates

In Honor of Diane S. Jastermski

In Honor of Jesus Christ
Anonymous (3), Devine Construction,
Mary L. Shawver

In Memory of Joey R. Kauslick
Anonymous, Marilyn A. Kauslick, Todd & Angela Griffin, Dale Griffin, Michael Carioti, Mark & Beth Culbertson, Ray & Vera Teachout, Jim & Cathleen Brzezinski, Jason & Erin Jarrells & Family, Richard Novitsky & Marianne Spiros

In Memory of Cole Kubista

Lucy Boyd (UPS Team Kubista)

In Honor of Joel Lloyd

In Memory of Cheri Dowling’s Parents – Tom and Joan Moore
Connections Beyond Sight & Sound – MD/DC DeafBlind Project

In Honor of Heidi Nordhoff
C & C Nordhoff

In Memory of Connie O’Neill
Anonymous, Butch & Rhonda, American Electrical Testing Co, LLC, Pauline Raiche, Joanne & John Boyle, Michael & Patricia Neves

In Honor of Riley Pacala
Ukanowicz Family

In Memory of Caroline Ruth Peacock

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