WELCOME! American School for the Deaf

Join us in giving the American School for the Deaf a warm welcome to the ASDC family of member schools! Founded in 1817, the American School for the Deaf was the first permanent school for the deaf in the United States and a nationally renowned leader in providing...

SHARE THE LOVE! Grab your ASDC limited edition Valentine’s Shirts!

SHARE THE LOVE! Just in time for Valentine’s Day! The American Society for Deaf Children “LOVE” shirts promotes love for sign language in our ASDC community of parents, teachers, advocates, and deaf/hard-of-hearing children. A sweet way to support...


The results of our Holiday Card Art Contest are IN!  A huge SHOUT-OUT of THANKS to all who submitted artwork.  It was a tough decision – and wow – do we have some extremely talented young people in our world!   Congratulations to our winners: Anthony...


Tune in on Tuesday, November 15 @ 11 am EST!   We’re so excited to be announcing our 2022 Holiday Card Art Contest Winners! Join us on November 15 via our FB channel! Cards will be available for purchase beginning November...
ASDC Spirit Shirts Are Here!

ASDC Spirit Shirts Are Here!

They are here!! ASDC Spirit Shirts! The American Society for Deaf Children Spirit shirt promotes ASL pride in our ASDC community, parents, teachers, and deaf and hard-of-hearing children. Join us in creating awareness about the importance of ASL! About the online...
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