2019 Lee Katz Award - Nomination Form
About this Award
Lee Katz was first president of the International Association of Parents of the Deaf, the predecessor organization of ASDC.
To honor her pioneering work, ASDC has been giving the Lee Katz Award to extraordinary parents and caregivers of deaf children since 1975.
Award Criteria
This award recognizes ASDC members who demonstrate a commitment to helping deaf children gain access to:
- meaningful communication, particularly through the competent use of sign languages and other visual means.
- language-rich environments in home, school and community settings.
- Deaf adults and peers who can serve as role models.
Any ASDC member who is a parent, grandparent, or legal guardian of a child who is deaf or hard of hearing. (We will verify membership.)
Award Date
We will recognize the 2019 winner at the ASDC Conference in June. We encourage the winner to attend the conference, but it’s not mandatory
Nominations for the 2019 award have closed.