Take advantage of our EARLY BIRD SAVINGS before they’re GONE!
Register for ASDC’s Annual Family Conference and grab your member savings before they disappear for the rest of the year! You won’t see prices this low again!
Our Annual Family Conference is a fun, fully immersive, interpreter-supported event designed especially for families with deaf/hard-of-hearing children. This year’s theme is “Language Starts with Me”.
We provide educational presentations along with fun-filled whole-family events! The children’s program will keep your children busy while the adults spend the mornings learning. After lunch, your entire family will participate in language-rich, fun-filled activities for all ages and abilities. Deaf role models join us every day and lend their support in the most amazing ways.
You don’t want to miss this! Prices go UP April 1st!

Join us for a Pre-Conference Workshop at ASDC’s Annual Family Conference:
Parent Advocacy: Navigating the IEP Maze
This special pre-conference workshop will teach you what you need to know about your child’s IEP and answer any questions or concerns you might have. Be sure to bring your child’s most recent IEP with you.
Learn more about ASDC’s Navigating the IEP Process Resources.
*Must be registered for the conference to attend.

As an ASDC Member – you receive special members only savings on all of our events, online classes, and more! Join ASDC and #GiveASL to your family today!
Don’t miss out on the Early Bird Savings! Join ASDC and start using your membership benefits TODAY!