ASL Resources for Back to School
It’s that time of the year again! We’re getting ready to go back to school!
Here are just a few resources to refer to when discussing the new school year with your kids. We hope they give you some great tools, have even better conversations, and perhaps create excitement for a new year of learning experiences! School, and learning, is fun! Let’s help our kids have a successful school year!
Language Development
Your kids may be feeling a mix of emotions – excitement and a bit of sadness that summer break is over. It’s common for some kids to feel nervous or scared on the first day of school because of all the new things they’ll encounter: new teachers, new classmates, new subjects, or even a new school.
This week, take some time to talk to others about their emotions. Ashley shares ways to use words like happy, sad, excited, and nervous to understand their feelings better and help them process their emotions. Use the coloring pages as a way for them to draw out their feelings first and then talk to you about them.
The American Society for Deaf Children strongly advocates for enhancing the vocabulary of Deaf children by establishing a strong social foundation. This is achieved by prioritizing Language Acquisition and Family Involvement as essential growth components. Learn more from ASDC!
Here’s a fun way to learn what your kids are learning and what impressed them the most during their first week of school!
These printable coloring pages are a great tool for an after-school sharing activity. Have them draw and sign their experiences, and then take some time to talk to them about what they shared. Print them out, make a book for the first week of school, and collect them over the years.
In Spanish and English.

In this week’s Language Acquisition Activity, Ashley shares ideas on how to talk to your kids about their back-to-school experience. A great way to use signs to help your kids express themselves!
Check it out here! Be sure to connect with us on our social media channels for weekly activities!
A few of our favorite tales selected from our ASL Stories Directory:
Navigating the IEP Process – Resources for Parents
With the new school year also comes renewed efforts to advocate for your Deaf of Hard-of-hearing child(ren) and ensure they have the best tools and access to language development and learning experiences that work FOR them.
At ASDC, we believe deaf children are entitled to full communication access. We believe that consideration of communication opportunities for deaf children should be based on facts. It starts from day one and includes collaborative, informed, and committed teamwork to create successful learning experiences for our children and ensure that all plans and programs meet the needs of each one of them, individually and uniquely.
We are always working hard to create the best IEP and 504 resources for parents and are consistently looking at ways to help you help your kids. You get to prepare too!
Visit our IEP Resources for information that supports your efforts. Dont find what you’re looking for? Let us know! Send us your questions at