Feb 20, 2023 | #GiveASL, ASDC News, Educators, Learning ASL, Parents and Families, Visual Language
Recently, students in David Theune’s English class at Spring Lake High School in Michigan recently completed a writing assignment and challenge titled “Words Have Power”. In this assignment they were asked to focus on writing about non-profit...
Feb 20, 2023 | #GiveASL, ASDC News, Audiologists, Educators, Learning ASL, Parents and Families, Service Providers
Individual Donors Anonymous Robert Davidson Sara Hidalgo Deborah Korhoenen Edga & Lynda Layland Bradley Magala Dedicated Donors Rachel Carroll & Isaiah BowmanIn Memory of Barbara Jean Carroll Susan & Raphael OrensteinDiana Hernandez-McCaffery Memorial Scholarship Fund...
Feb 17, 2023 | #GiveASL, ASDC News, Audiologists, Educators, Healthcare Providers, Learning ASL, Parents and Families, Visual Language
We’ve got lion-like weather yet again around here, but spring, rainbows, and lamb-weather are on the horizon – not to mention a pretty darn LUCKY shirt! Yay for warmer weather! And LUCK! Grab your ASDC Spirit Shirt here...
Feb 10, 2023 | #GiveASL, ASDC News, ASL Weekends, Deaf Owned Businesses, Learning ASL, Parents and Families, Visual Language
Brothers that READ together, LEAD together. Everyone, meet the newest Tiny Team Members Silas and Isaiah of No Such Thing! We are so excited for you to meet these two amazing brothers who are leading the way to make our world more inclusive. ...
Jan 16, 2023 | #GiveASL, ASDC News, ASL Videos, ASL Weekends, Audiologists, Deaf-Blind, Educators, Healthcare Providers, Learning ASL, Parents and Families, Service Providers, Spanish, Visual Language
Individual Donors Anonymous (10) Darlene & Paul Milena Aspen Ambrose Brenda Huneycutt & Smith Brittingham IV Joshua Brown Claira Cuykendall Catherine & Check Darragh David & Rita Downer Marc Albanese & Rosanne Felicello Lula Hammonds Tsailun Hu Lorna Irwin Edgar &...
Jan 12, 2023 | #GiveASL, ASDC News, ASL Videos, ASL Weekends, Audiologists, Deaf Owned Businesses, Deaf-Blind, Educators, Healthcare Providers, Learning ASL, Parents and Families, Service Providers, Spanish, Uncategorized, Visual Language
Join us in giving the Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf a warm ASDC welcome to our family of member schools. The Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf (WPSD) is a non-profit, tuition-free school that provides academic and extracurricular programs to deaf...