Jun 9, 2022 | ASDC News, ASL Videos, Educators, Learning ASL, Parents and Families, Service Providers, Uncategorized
Some stories are absolutely timeless. The Rainbow Fish is such a story, a classic that embodies the simple, yet universal message: sharing makes us happy. Author, Illustrator: Marcus Pfister Signed by: Jessica Gamez Video produced by: www.dpan.tv Visit the ASL Stories...
May 31, 2022 | ASDC News, ASL Videos, Audiologists, Educators, Healthcare Providers, Learning ASL, Parents and Families, Service Providers
Parents of deaf children can more easily learn sign language thanks to powerful tech collaboration ASDC Executive Director Cheri Dowling is excited to share the news of this important collaboration between RIT/NTID, Georgia Tech, and Google. “This collaboration...
May 27, 2022 | ASDC News, Audiologists, Educators, Healthcare Providers, Learning ASL, Parents and Families, Service Providers, Spanish, Visual Language
Curso de 4 partes | Clase de ASL en Español (Spanish Beginning ASL Class) Esta emocionante clase de cuatro semanas es para aquellos que conocen poco o nada del lenguaje de señas americano. Aprende deletreo manual, vocabulario, conversaciones y más. El tamaño de la...
May 19, 2022 | ASDC News, Audiologists, Deaf-Blind, Educators, Healthcare Providers, Parents and Families, Service Providers
American Society for Deaf Children celebrates GAAD, Global Accessibility Awareness Day! Every Third Thursday of May, we get people thinking and talking about digital access and inclusion for those with different disabilities. For the Deaf Community: High-Quality Audio...
May 12, 2022 | ASDC News, Audiologists, Educators, Healthcare Providers, Learning ASL, Parents and Families, Service Providers, Visual Language
US Department of Education – Office of Civil Rights to review the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Amendments to Section 504 being proposed “Just as in 1977, the voices of people with disabilities must be heard and incorporated…” Catherine...
Dec 20, 2021 | ASDC News, Educators, Parents and Families, Service Providers
ASDC is supporting the “Stamp for Laurent” project, a campaign to have the United States Postal Service issue an official commemorative stamp in honor of Laurent Clerc, the most renown Deaf person in American history. Laurent was a teacher at a school for...