Knowledge Center

Young boy signing art

Parents and Families

Resources for raising and educating your deaf child.
Family Resources


Information for educators working with deaf children.
Educator Resources

Free ASL Posters
ASL Alphabet Chart
ASL Numbers Chart

Service Providers

Make informed decisions on the best recommendations for your clients and be able to refer them to relevant resources.
Provider Resources

Resource Directories

Connect with local, state and national resources using our resources directories. Get literacy resources as well!
Resource Directories

Recent Blog Posts

It’s LEAP DAY! Unlock Your Superhero Potential with ASDC and Become a Language Hero Today for $29!

Take a giant leap into the membership year with ASDC by joining or renewing for just $29!  With this special offer, you can unlock your superhero potential and become a language hero for our community. Gain access to invaluable resources, vibrant support networks, and...

You’ve Got More Time! Member Savings Deadline Extended.

🚨 Savings Extended to February 29th! 🚨   ASDC members register for just $300 per person!It's your chance to secure special member pricing before it goes up to $350 on 3/1! Register today! You won't see this price again! Learn more about ASDC2024: Let's Grow...


Exciting news! Our Learn ASL Series just got even better with the addition of new classes and workshops. Remember, members can join our monthly workshops and webinars for FREE! Elevate your ASL skills, and join us for an enriching experience! 🤟📚  Check it out and...

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