Nov 3, 2021 | ASDC News, Deaf-Blind, Educators, Parents and Families
Children who are deaf-blind need to have meaningful learning experiences beyond the classroom where they can explore the broader world and develop important life skills. These experiences help them develop confidence, self-determination, and other skills, which are...
Oct 16, 2021 | ASDC News, Deaf-Blind, Educators, Parents and Families
Making – and Keeping – Friends Like any child, those who are deaf-blind love having fun with friends. Developing friendships builds the social skills required for success throughout life. Importantly, for children who are deaf-blind, friendships can help...
Aug 31, 2021 | ASDC News, Deaf-Blind, Educators, Parents and Families
Practices and strategies to promote access to learning Deaf-blindess is primarily a disability of access; that is, a child who is deaf-blind relies on others for access to information that is needed for learning, communication, and development. Fortunately, there are...
Aug 18, 2021 | ASDC News, Deaf-Blind, Educators, Parents and Families
Communication and Concept Development During the earliest stage of communication, children communicate through unintentional behaviors, like crying when hungry. As they grow, their communication becomes more intentional, as they observe, interact, and begin to mimic...
May 17, 2021 | ASDC News, Deaf-Blind, Parents and Families
Authentic Assessment Involves Families How can you know what your child with deaf-blindness knows and how they learn? Getting a thorough assessment is the first step in creating an educational roadmap for your child with deaf-blindness. More importantly, that...
Apr 26, 2021 | ASDC News, Audiologists, Deaf-Blind, Parents and Families
Audiology 101 for Parents of Deaf Children In this webinar you will get highly practical information that will empower you to work effectively with your child’s audiolgist. Join us to learn: about different types of hearing loss and common solutions how hearing...