
Information for Educators working with deaf children
Deaf Education: A New Philosophy [PDF] Research at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf is shifting the way deaf students are being educated. Recent research suggests that even with qualified interpreters in the mainstreamed classroom, educators need to understand deaf children learn differently, are more visual, and often process information differently than their hearing peers. Schools for the Deaf…Dispelling the Myths and Celebrating the Strengths of Schools for the Deaf [PDF] For a child who is Deaf the decision on where a child will attend school can be a difficult decision to make. Parents have a continuum of options to chose from. Deaf Friendly Classroom [PDF] Have you ever wondered how your child’s classroom environment affects the ability to be a part of classroom discussions? When students do not have full access to information, they can easily fall behind. Whether children use an oral approach or utilize a sign language interpreter, they are faced with challenging situations. Speedy lectures, flashing powerpoint slides, reading along from books, looking at a computer while the teacher is simultaneously speaking, group discussions, multiple dialogues, epic stories requiring lengthy periods of concentration – each and all result from time to time in mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion. The Beginnings of Deaf Education [PDF] There are many histories of Deaf education. It depends on who is telling the story. The story we are telling is a basic history from historians, documentation, and family. It, however, is just a glimmer of the history which actually must have occurred. Most historians agree that the true beginning of teaching children who are Deaf began in the sixteenth century in Spain ASDC Educational Memberships Available Learn what the ASDC Educational Membership can offer the deaf students in your school.    

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