Since 1967, ASDC has supported parents of children who are Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing. We believe that deafness is not a disability, but language deprivation is. That’s why it’s our mission to ensure that every Deaf child can learn sign language from the very start.
Our Mission.
The American Society for Deaf Children (ASDC) is committed to empowering all families with deaf* and hard-of-hearing children and youth by embracing full language and communication access in inclusive environments through mentoring, advocacy, resources, and collaborative networks.
*ASDC uses the term deaf to be inclusive of various hearing levels and identities within the deaf community.
Bringing families together through American Sign Language.
Language Accessibility Matters.
Language allows us to learn, build relationships, and succeed.
To create connections.
Our aim is to keep children tied to the lifelong learning path, no matter what, till they reach their educational objectives, and beyond.
We believe Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing children & youth are entitled to full communication access and that those communication opportunities for Deaf children should be based on facts and needs.
It starts from day one.
It takes collaborative, informed, and committed teamwork to create successful learning experiences for our children that ensure that all plans and programs meet the needs of each one of them, individually and uniquely.
At ASDC, we are committed to leading the way to creating accessible language for all.

Online Classes
Learn ASL or take your signing skills to the next level with our monthly classes and webinars.
Learn more>>

ASL Stories Directory
Get instant access to hundreds of videos of ASL retellings of children’s books and stories for all ages.
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Clases de ASL en Español
Esta emocionante clase de cuatro semanas es para aquellos que conocen poco o nada del lenguaje de señas americano. Aprende deletreo manual, vocabulario, conversaciones y más.
Aprenda mas >>
Family-Centered Events
Fully immersive, interpreter-supported events designed especially for families with and professionals who work with Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, and DeafBlind children.
Learn more >>
For additional resources, please visit us here >>
ASL Learning Opportunities
New name, same great weekend! Join us for a fun intensive weekend with our top-notch ASL instructors! See if the next ASL Learning Opportunities is happening near you!
Deaf Mentors
Get individualized ASL tutoring services with Deaf mentors through SignOn with ASDC.
Deaf Peers
The Friends Like Me program gives deaf kids a safe, moderated platform to meet other deaf kids their age and make new friends.
Mental Health
Get resources that support mental health wellness and accessibility in the deaf community.
Navigating the IEP Process
Resources for Parents and Educators about Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).
Free ASL Posters
Get our printable ASL posters!
• ASL Alphabet
• ASL Numbers
At ASDC, we bring families together through American Sign Language (ASL) and are here to support YOU.
Joining ASDC gives you and your family the ability to join a community that’s building relationships, creating learning opportunities for others, access to resources that support you (as a parent or professional) in advocating for the best learning tools and experience for your child, and the opportunity to make an epic impact on accessibility to language-rich communities.
Together, we can create a language-rich world for our kids.